Have you ever noticed hail damage on metal items on a home? (Yes, just like what you would see on a car)
Many homeowners are not aware of the coverages, or lack of coverages, they need for their home, especially while living in Tornado Alley. Take a hail storms for example. Oftentimes hail leaves these ugly dents in our home's metal (vents, down spouts, metal roofs, gutters, metal carports, etc.)
However, that is not damage. That is a cosmetic blemish. The reason being, it is still functional. To have that ugly item replaced, in the event of a covered loss, you will need certain coverages called endorsements.
The endorsement, "Marring to certain metal roof materials" is what helps an insured replace the functioning, albeit ugly, marred roof metals.
Another area where people are shocked in a hail storm is their deductible. There are many ways to have a "cheaper" policy, and higher deductibles are one of them.
If you have a 1% deductible, that means you will have a deductible that is 1% of the covered dwelling amount. If your property is insured for $300,000, you will have a $3K deductible. If you have a SPLIT deductible, you will pay one amount for any home insurance covered loss EXCEPT a wind/hail claim. That claim will have its own deductible.
Not sure about your coverage? Email me or call for a quick review: alemonier@farmersagent.com or 479-324-4440